No. | Abbreviation | Full form |
1. | µ | Electrophoretic mobility/ micron |
2. | 1,3 BPG | 1,3—basiphosphoglycerate |
3. | 2PG | 2-phosphoglycerate |
4. | 3PG | 3-phosphoglycerate |
5. | 5 bro | 5 Bromo uracil |
6. | A | Androecium; Adenine |
7. | Å | Angstrom (0.0001 of a micron) |
8. | A&E | Accident and Emergency department |
9. | AAAA | Autotetraploid |
10. | AABB | Allotetraploid |
11. | ABA | Abscisic acid |
12. | ABP | Arterial blood pressure |
13. | ABP | Androgen binding protein |
14. | Ach | Acetyl choline |
15. | ACP | Acyl carrier protein |
16. | ACT | Acoustic test facility |
17. | ACTH | Adrenocorticotrophic hormone |
18. | ADA | Adenosine deaminase |
19. | ADH | Antidiuretic hormone |
20. | ADLs | Activities of daily living |
21. | adm. | Admission |
22. | Ado Hey | 5-adenosyl homocysteine |
23. | Ado Met | 5-adenosyl methionine |
24. | ADP | Adenosine diphosphate |
25. | aet | Aetiology |
26. | AI | Artificial insemination |
27. | AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
28. | Ala | Alanine |
29. | ALG | Antilymphocyte globulin |
30. | ALS | Antilymphocyte serum |
31. | AMI | Antibody mediated immunity |
32. | AMP | Adenosine monophosphate |
33. | AMR | Active metabolic rate |
34. | ANF | Atrionatriuretic factor |
35. | ANS | Autonomous nervous system |
36. | APHA | American public health association |
37. | ARF | Acute renal failure |
38. | arg | Arginine |
39. | ARM | Artificial rupture of membranes (for delivery) |
40. | ARS | Autonomously replicating sequence |
41. | ART | Assisted reproductive technology |
42. | Asn | Asparagine |
43. | Asp | Aspartate |
44. | ATCase | Aspartate transcarbomylase |
45. | ATP | Adenosine triphosphate |
46. | ATPase | Adenosine triphosphatase |
47. | AVN | Atrio-ventricular node |
48. | AWWA | American water works association |
49. | BAC | Bacterial artificial chromosome |
50. | BCG | Bacille Calmette-Guerin (TB vaccine) |
51. | BCOP | Blood colloidal osmotic pressure |
52. | BMI | Body mass index |
53. | BMR | Basal metabolic rate |
54. | BOD | Biochemical oxygen demand |
55. | BP | Blood pressure |
56. | bp | Base pair |
57. | BPD | Bronchopulmonary dysplasia |
58. | BPTI | Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor |
59. | Br | Bracteate flower |
60. | C | Cytosine, Cytidine, Cytidylate, Corolla |
61. | C2 | Plants showing photorespiration |
62. | C3 | Calvine cycle plants |
63. | C4 | Plants with Hatch and Slack cycle |
64. | CA | Cancer |
65. | CABG | Coronary artery bypass graft |
66. | CaM | Calmodulin |
67. | CAMP | Cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
68. | CAP | Catabolite activator protein |
69. | CAPD | Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
70. | CAT (CT) | Computerized axial/ assisted tomography |
71. | CCK | Cholecystokinin |
72. | CCU | Coronary care unit |
73. | cDNA | Complementary DNA |
74. | CDP | Cytosine diphosphate |
75. | C-GMP | Cyclic GMP |
76. | Ch | Chlorophyll |
77. | CIFRI | Central inland fisheries research institute |
78. | CJD | Creutzfeldt- Jacob disease |
79. | Cm | Clearance factor |
80. | CMI | Cell mediated immunity |
81. | CMP | Cytosine monophospahte |
82. | CMV | Cytomegalovirus |
83. | CNS | Central nervous system |
84. | CoA | Coenzyme A |
85. | COAD | Chronic obstructive airways disease |
86. | COD | Chemical oxygen demand |
87. | CoQ | Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) |
88. | Cp | Compare |
89. | CPAP | Continuous positive airways pressure |
90. | CPI | Consumer price index |
91. | CPR | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
92. | CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid; Colony- stimulating factor |
93. | CT | Computerised tomography; Calcitonin |
94. | CTP | Cytosine triphosphate |
95. | CV | Cardiovascular |
96. | CVA | Cardiovascular accident, Cerebrovascular accident |
97. | CVP | Central venous pressure |
98. | CVS | Chronic villus sampling |
99. | CXR | Chest X-ray |
100. | Cys | Cystein |
101. | Cyt | Cytochrome |
102. | D | Diffusion coefficient |
103. | d | Density |
104. | D&C | Dilation and curettage |
105. | dADP | Deoxy adenosine 5’-diphosphate |
106. | dAMP | Deoxy adenosine 5’-monophosphate |
107. | dATP | Deoxy adenosine 5’-triphosphate |
108. | DCT | Distal convoluted tubule |
109. | DDT | Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane |
110. | DEAE | Diethyl aminoethyl |
111. | DFP/ DIFP | Diisopropyl fluorophosphate |
112. | dGMP | Deoxyguanosine 5’-monophosphate |
113. | dGTP | Deoxyguanosine 5’-triphosphate |
114. | DHA | District health authority |
115. | DHAP | Dihydroxyacetone phosphate |
116. | DHF | Dihydrofolate |
117. | DHU | Dihydrouridine |
118. | DI | Donor insemination |
119. | DIC | Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
120. | disch. | Discharge |
121. | DL | Danger list |
122. | DLC | Differential leucocyte count |
123. | DMD | Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
124. | DMP | 2,4-dinitrophenol |
125. | DMS | Dimethyl sulphate |
126. | DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
127. | DNase | Deoxyribonuclease |
128. | DNP | Deoxyribonucleoproteins |
129. | Do | Dissolved oxygen |
130. | DOA | Dead on arrival |
131. | Dol | Dolichol |
132. | DOPA | Dihydroxy phenylamine |
133. | DPD | Diffusion pressure deficit |
134. | DPN | Diphosphopyridene nucleotide (same as NAD) |
135. | DPT | Combined vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus |
136. | Dr | Doctor |
137. | DRG | Diagnostic related group |
138. | DS | Dissolved solids |
139. | ds DNA | Double stranded DNA |
140. | DSA | Digital subtraction angiography |
141. | DTs | Delirium tremens |
142. | DVT | Deep vein thrombosis |
143. | E | Electric potential |
144. | e | Molar absorption coefficient |
145. | Ebr | Ebracteate |
146. | EC | Enzyme commission |
147. | ECG (ECK) | Electrocardiogram |
148. | ECT | Electroconvulsive therapy |
149. | EDTA | Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid |
150. | EEG | Electroencephalograph |
151. | EF | Elongation factor |
152. | EGF | Epidermal growth factor |
153. | EGFP | Effective glomerular filtration pressure |
154. | ELISA | Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay |
155. | ELSI | Ethical, legal and social issues |
156. | EM | Electron microscope |
157. | EMG | Electromyograph |
158. | EMP | Embden Meyerhof Parnas pathway |
159. | ENT | Ear, nose and throat |
160. | Epi | Presence of epicalyx |
161. | EPO | Erythropoietin |
162. | EPR | Electro paramagnetic resonance |
163. | ER | Endoplasmic reticulum |
164. | ERV | Expiratory reserve volume |
165. | ESF | Erythropoiesis stimulating factor |
166. | ESR | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Electron spin resonance |
167. | ET | Tube endotracheal tube, Embryo transfer |
168. | ETS | Energy transfer system |
169. | f | Fractional coefficient |
170. | F1 | First filial generation |
171. | F1P | Fructose 1-phosphate |
172. | F2 | Second filial generation |
173. | F6P | Fructose 6-phosphate |
174. | FA | Fatty acid |
175. | FAD | Flavin adenine dincleotide |
176. | FADH2 | Flavin adenine dincleotide (reduced) |
177. | FBPase-1 | Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase |
178. | FBPase-2 | Fructose 2,6-diphosphatase |
179. | Fd | Ferredoxin |
180. | FDNB/ DNFB | 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene |
181. | FFA | Free fatty acid |
182. | FH | Familial hypercholestrerolaemia |
183. | FMet | N-formyl methionine |
184. | FMN | Flavin mononucleotide |
185. | FMNH2 | Reduced flavin mononucleotide |
186. | FNAC | Fine needle aspiration cytology |
187. | FP | Flavoprotein |
188. | FRC | Functional residual capacity |
189. | Fru | D-fructose |
190. | FSH | Follicle stimulating hormone |
191. | G | Guanine, Guanosine or Guanylate |
192. | G1P | Glucose 1-phosphate |
193. | G3P/ GAP | Glucose 3-phosphate |
194. | G6P | Glucose 6-phosphate |
195. | GA | Gibberlic acid |
196. | GABA | r-aminobutyrate |
197. | GAC/ G3P | Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate |
198. | GaIN | D-glactosamine |
199. | GaINAc | N-acetyl D-glactosamine |
200. | Gal | D-glactose |
201. | GDB | Genome data base |
202. | GDH | Glutamate dehydrogenase |
203. | GDP | Guanosine 5-diphosphate |
204. | GFR | Glomerular filtration rate |
205. | GH | Growth hormone |
206. | GHP | Glomerular hydrostatic pressure |
207. | GIFT | Gamete intra-fallopian transfer |
208. | GLC | Gas-liquid chromatography |
209. | GLc | D-glucose |
210. | GLcA | D-gluconic acid |
211. | GLcNAc/ NAG | N-acetyl D-glucosamine |
212. | GLcUA | D-glucosonic acid |
213. | Gln | Glutamine |
214. | Glu | Glutamate |
215. | Gly | Glycine |
216. | GMF | Genetically modified food |
217. | GMO | Genetically modified organism |
218. | GMP | Guanosine monophosphate |
219. | GMP | Guanosine 5-monophosphate |
220. | GP | General practitioner |
221. | GSH | Glutathione |
222. | GSSG | Oxidised Glutathione |
223. | GTH | Gonadotrophic hormone |
224. | GTP | Guanosine 5-triphosphate |
225. | GVHD | Graft-verses-host disease |
226. | H2 folate/ DHF | Dihydrofolate |
227. | H4 folate/ THF | Tetrahydrofolate |
228. | Hb | Haemoglobin |
229. | HbCO | Carboxyhaemoglobin |
230. | HBIG | Hepatitis B immunoglobulin |
231. | HbO2 | Oxyhaemoglobin |
232. | HCG | Human chorionic gonadotrophin |
233. | HCLV-III | Human cell leukemia virus-III |
234. | HDL | High density lipoprotein |
235. | HGP | Human genome project |
236. | HIOMT | Hydroxyindole-o-methyl transferase |
237. | His | Histidine |
238. | HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
239. | HLA | Human leucocyte antigen system |
240. | HMG-CoA | β hydroxy- β methylglutaryl-CoA |
241. | hn RNA | Heterogenous nuclear RNA |
242. | HPLC | High performance liquid chromatography |
243. | HRE | Hormone response element |
244. | HRT | Hormone replacement therapy |
245. | HUGO | Human genome organisation |
246. | Hyp | Hydroxy proline |
247. | I | Inosine, iodine |
248. | IAA | Indole-3-acetic acid |
249. | IBA | Indole-3-butyric acid |
250. | IBS | Irritable bowel syndrome |
251. | IC | Inspiratory capacity |
252. | ICD | International classification of disease |
253. | ICP | Intercranial pressure |
254. | ICRAF | International council for research in Agroforest |
255. | ICSH | Interstitial cells stimulating hormone |
256. | ICSI | Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection |
257. | ICU | Intensive care unit |
258. | IDP | Inosine 5’-diphosphate |
259. | IF | Initiating factor |
260. | Ig | Immunoglobulin |
261. | IHD | Ischaemic heart disease |
262. | Ile | Isoleucine |
263. | IMP | Inosine-5’- monophosphate |
264. | IMR | Infant mortality rate |
265. | IMV | Intermittent mandatory ventilation |
266. | IOP | Intraocular pressure |
267. | IPPV | Intermittent positive pressure ventilation |
268. | IQ | Intelligence quotient |
269. | IR | Infrared |
270. | IRV | Inspiratory reserve volume |
271. | IS | Insertion sequence |
272. | ITP | Inosine 5’-triphosphate |
273. | IU | International unit |
274. | IUCN | International union for conservation of natural resources |
275. | IUD/ IUCD | Intrauterine device, Intrauterine contraceptive device |
276. | IUI | Intra-uterine insemination |
277. | IUT | Intra- uterine transfer |
278. | IV | Intravenous |
279. | IVF | In vitro fertilization |
280. | IVI | Intravenous injection |
281. | IVP | Intravenous pyelogram |
282. | IZS | Insulin zinc suspension |
283. | JGA | Juxta-glomerular apparatus |
284. | k | Rate constant |
285. | K&M | Kaolin and Morphine |
286. | K/Ks | Dissociation constant |
287. | Ka | Acid dissociation constant |
288. | Kb | Kilobase |
289. | Kbp | Kilobase pair |
290. | Kcat | Turnover number |
291. | Keq | Equilibrium constant |
292. | Ki | Inhibition constant |
293. | Km | Michaelis-Menten constant |
294. | LBW | Low birth weight |
295. | LDH | Lactate dehydrogenase |
296. | LDL | Low density lipoprotein |
297. | Leu | Leucine |
298. | LH | Luteinising hormone |
299. | Lk | Linking number |
300. | Ln | Logarithm to base |
301. | Log | Logarithm to base 10 |
302. | LP | Lumbar puncture |
303. | LSD | Lysergic acid diethylamide |
304. | LTH | Luteotrophic hormone (prolactin or lactogenic hormone) |
305. | LTR | Long terminate respect |
306. | Lys | Lysine |
307. | MAB | Monoclonal antibody |
308. | Man | D-mannose |
309. | MAOI | Monoamine oxidase inhibitor |
310. | MAP | Mean arterial pressure |
311. | Mb | Myoglobin |
312. | MBBS | Bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery |
313. | MBD | Minimal brain dysfunction |
314. | MbO2 | Oxymyoglobin |
315. | MCL | Maximum contaminant level |
316. | MD | Doctor of medicine |
317. | mDNA | Mitochondrial DNA |
318. | ME | Myalgic encephalomyelitis |
319. | Met | Methionine |
320. | MET | Magneto-encephalography |
321. | MGP | Microbial genome project |
322. | MHC | Major histocompatibility complex |
323. | MI | Myocardial infarction |
324. | MLD | Minimum lethal dose |
325. | MMR | Combined vaccine against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (German measles) |
326. | MND | Motor neuron disease |
327. | MO | Medical officer |
328. | MPN | Most probable number |
329. | Mr | Relative molecular mass |
330. | MRF | Melanocyte stimulating hormone releasing factor |
331. | MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
332. | mRNA | Messenger ribonucleic acid |
333. | MRS | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
334. | MRSA | Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
335. | MS | Multiple sclerosis |
336. | MSH | Melanocyte stimulating hormone |
337. | MSU | Mid-stream urine specimen |
338. | MTP | Medical termination of pregnancy |
339. | Mur | Murmaric acid |
340. | MurNac/ NAM | N-acetylmurmaric acid |
341. | NAA | Naphthalene acetic acid |
342. | NAD | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide |
343. | NAD H2 | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced) |
344. | NADP | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide |
345. | NADPH | Reduced Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide |
346. | NAG/ GLcNAC | N-acetyl glucosamine |
347. | NDP | Nucleoside diphosphate |
348. | NHS | National health service |
349. | NMN | Nicotinamide mononucleotide |
350. | NMNH | Reduced Nicotinamide mononucleotide |
351. | NMP | Nucleoside monophosphate |
352. | NMRI /NMR | Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging |
353. | NPO | Nil per orem (nothing by mouth) |
354. | NTD | Neural tube defect |
355. | NTP | Nucleoside triphosphate unit |
356. | NTU | Nephrometric turbidity |
357. | O&G | Obstetrics and gynaecology |
358. | OA | Osteoarthritis |
359. | OAA | Oxalacetate |
360. | OD | Overdose |
361. | OP | Outpatient |
362. | OPV | Oral polio vaccine |
363. | ORS | Oral rehydration salt solution |
364. | ORT | Oral dehydration therapy |
365. | OT | Occupational therapy |
366. | P | Perianth, Pressure |
367. | PAB/PABA | 10 amino benzoate |
368. | paed. | Paediatrics |
369. | PAGE | Polyacryl amide gel electrophoresis |
370. | PAN | Peroxyacyl nitrate |
371. | path. | Pathology |
372. | PBG | Porphobilinogen |
373. | Pc | Plastocyanin/ phosphatidylcholine |
374. | PCOD | Polycystic ovary disease |
375. | PCR | Polymerase chain reaction |
376. | PCT | Proximal convoluted tubule |
377. | PDGF | Platelet derived growth factor |
378. | PE | Pleural effusion, Phosphatidyl ethanolamine |
379. | PEM | Protein energy malnutrition |
380. | PEP | Phosphoenol pyrovate |
381. | PEPA | Phosphenol pyrovic acid |
382. | PET | Positron-emission tomography |
383. | PFK | Phoshofructo kinase |
384. | PG | Prostaglandin |
385. | PGA | Phosphoglyceric acid |
386. | pH | Potentia Hydrogenii |
387. | Phe | Phenylalanine |
388. | Pi | Inorganic orthophosphate |
389. | PI | Phosphatidylinositol |
390. | PICU | Paediatric intensive care unit |
391. | PID | Pelvic inflammatory disease |
392. | PIH | Pregnancy-induced hypertension, Protein inhibiting hormone |
393. | PK | Protein kinase/ pyruvate kinase |
394. | PKU | Phenylketonuria |
395. | PLP | Pysidoxal 5’-phosphate |
396. | PM | Postmortem |
397. | PMT | Premenstrual tension |
398. | Pn | Phosphopante theine |
399. | PNS | Peripheral nervous system |
400. | PO | Per orem (by mouth) |
401. | PO2 | Partial pressure of O2 |
402. | Pol | Polymerase |
403. | PoP | Plaster of paris |
404. | PPi | Inorganic pyrophosphate |
405. | PPLO | Pleuro pneumonia-like organisms |
406. | PQ | Plastoquinone |
407. | pre-med | Premedication |
408. | pre-op | Preoperative |
409. | PRL | Prolactin |
410. | Pro | Proline |
411. | PRPP | 5-phosphoribosyl 1’-pyrophosphate |
412. | PS-I | Pigment system-I |
413. | PS-II | Pigment system-II |
414. | Pstd | Pistillode |
415. | PTA | Post-traumatic amnesia |
416. | PTH | Parathyroid hormone (Parathormone) |
417. | QA | Quality assurance |
418. | QALY | Quality adjusted life years |
419. | RA | Rheumatoid arthritis |
420. | RAAS | Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system |
421. | RBC | Red blood corpuscles |
422. | RDS | Respiratory distress syndrome |
423. | REF | Renal erythropoietic factor |
424. | REM | Rapid eye movement sleep |
425. | RER | Rough endoplasmic reticulum |
426. | RES | Reticuloendothelial system |
427. | RF | Release factor/ replicative form |
428. | RFLP | Restriction fragment length polymorphism |
429. | RG | Regulator gene |
430. | RH | Releasing hormone |
431. | Rh | Rhesus factor |
432. | RHA | Regional health authority |
433. | Rib | D-ribose |
434. | RMO | Resident medical officer |
435. | RMP | Ribulose monophosphate |
436. | RMR | Routine metabolic rate |
437. | RN | Registered nurse |
438. | RNA | Ribonucleic acid |
439. | RNase | Ribonuclease |
440. | RPF | Renal plasma flow |
441. | RQ | Respiratory quotient |
442. | rRNA | Ribosomal RNA |
443. | RSI | Repetitive strain injury |
444. | RSV | Respiratory syncitial virus, Rous sarcoma virus |
445. | RTI | Reproductive tract infection |
446. | RuBP (RuDP) | Ribulose biphosphate |
447. | RV | Residual volume |
448. | Rx | Treatment/ prescription |
449. | S | Svedberg unit |
450. | SAD | Seasonal affective disorder |
451. | SAH | Subarachnoid haemerrhage |
452. | SAM | S-adcnosylmethionine |
453. | SAN | Sinu-atrial node |
454. | SARS | Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
455. | SBH | Sequencing by hybridization |
456. | SCID | Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome |
457. | SDS | Sodium dodecyl sulphate |
458. | SER | Smooth endoplasmic reticulum |
459. | Ser | Serine |
460. | SIDS | Sudden infant death syndrome |
461. | SLE | Systemic lupus erythemomatous |
462. | SNPs | Single nucleotide polymorphs |
463. | SQUID | Superconducting quantum interference device |
464. | Sr RNA | Small nuclear RNA |
465. | SRP | Signal recognition particle |
466. | SS | Suspended solid |
467. | ss DNA | Single stranded DNA |
468. | STD | Sexually transmitted disease |
469. | STH | Somatotrophic hormone/ growth hormone |
470. | STP | Standard temperature and pressure |
471. | SVI | Sludge volume index |
472. | T | Thymine, Thymidine, or Thymidylate; Temperature |
473. | TAB | Combined vaccine against Typhoid, Paratyphoid A, and Paratyphoid B |
474. | TB | Tuberculosis |
475. | TCA | Tricarboxylic acid cycle |
476. | TENS | Transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation |
477. | TFE | Tetrafluoro ethane |
478. | TH | Thyroid hormone |
479. | THF/ H4 foliate | Tetrahydrofoliate |
480. | THM | Trihalomethane |
481. | Thr | Threonine |
482. | TIA | Transient ischaemic attack |
483. | TIM | Triose phosphate isomerase |
484. | TLC | Total leucocyte count/ Total lung capacity |
485. | TMP | Thyuridine 5’-monophosphate |
486. | TMV | Tobacco mosaic virus |
487. | TOC | Total organic carbon |
488. | TON | Threshold odour number |
489. | TP | Turgor pressure |
490. | TPA | Tissue plasminogen activator (heart drug) |
491. | TPN | Triphosphopyridine nucleotide |
492. | TPP | Thiamine pyrophosphate |
493. | TPR | Temperature, pulse and pressure |
494. | tRNA | Transfer ribonucleic acid |
495. | TS | Tourette’s syndrome |
496. | TSH | Thyroid stimulating hormone |
497. | TTH | Thyrotrophic hormone |
498. | TTP | Thymidine triphosphate |
499. | TV | Tidal volume |
500. | Tx | Transfusion, transplant |
501. | Tyr | Tyrosine |
502. | U | Uracil, Uridine or Uridylate |
503. | UDP | Uridine 5’-diphosphate |
504. | UDPG | Uridine diphosphate galactose |
505. | UDPGlc | Uridine diphosphate glucose |
506. | UMP | Uridine 5’-monophosphate |
507. | UQ/ COQ | Coenzyme Q/ ubiquinone |
508. | URTI | Upper respiratory tract infection |
509. | UTI | Urinary tract infection |
510. | UTP | Uridine triphosphate |
511. | UV | Ultraviolet/ Urine conc substance g/ml |
512. | VA | Visual acuity |
513. | Val | Valine |
514. | VC | Vital capacity |
515. | VD | Venereal diseases |
516. | VF | Ventrinular fibrillation |
517. | VLDL | Very low density lipoprotein |
518. | Vmovx | Maximum velocity |
519. | VNTRs | Variable number tandem repeats |
520. | Vo | Initial velocity |
521. | WBC | White blood corpuscles |
522. | WHO | World health organization |
523. | WPCF | Water pollution control federation |
524. | YAC | Yeast artificial chromosome |
525. | Z | Wet change |
526. | ZIFT | Zygote intra-fallopian transfer |
527. | ZSV | Zone setting index |
528. | α kG | α-ketoglutarate |
529. | Δ G | Free energy change |
530. | Δ G+ | Activation energy |
531. | Δ G01 | Standard Free energy change |
532. | Δ GB | Binding energy |
533. | Δ H | Enthalpy change |
534. | ΔS | Entropy change |
535. | Δψ | Transmembrane electric potential |
536. | Φ | Bacteriophage |
Biological abbreviations
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